Indian designers Vedika Merh and Amrapali Singh showcased their collection at Fashion Forward Dubai (FFWD) on 25 March 2017, the last of the three-day international fashion extravaganza, which was held at the Dubai Design District. The two Indian designers were selected by an eminent jury after a rigorous and competitive screening process. Both Vedika and Amrapali have just started out as professional fashion designers after completing their education at NAFA, Singapore and NIFT, Delhi respectively. This was the first big international show that came their way, and it’s certainly not going to be the last one.

Designer Vedika Merh, who graduated from NAFA, Singapore is coloring the fashion world with her whimsical prints and innovative silhouettes. She told us about the collection that she showcased at FFWD, she says, “My quirky collection, ‘The Flying Bunting’ is a blend of playful and bizarre prints, new stripes, brush stroked patterns, experimental textures alongside water colour tints tailored to easy and flowy organza, double georgette and lycra silhouettes in bright seasonal hues. This season’s wardrobe takes a playful turn with quirky and fun geometric prints. These prints combined with a splash of colors and abstract patterns outlines the core inspiration for my collection ‘The Flying Bunting’ for Fashion Forward Dubai. My Collection focuses on free flowing silhouettes mixed with layered stripes and watercolor effects. Hand brushed strokes used in our collections add an artistic element with a contrasting color tone of block prints that give an experimental textured look.We believe in a one-design-per-style philosophy, so we create limited pieces of each style to ensure that your attire is iconically yours!”

Delhi designer Amrapali Singh thriving on art, nature and dance. she showcased her collection Blodueuwedd under her label ‘Birdwalk’.  She told Guardian 20, “My collection, moon light (Blodueuwedd) is an interpretation of the welsh Blodeuwedd mythology in which a woman made from flowers is cursed and turned into an owl. My collection captures blodeuwedd’s mysterious beauty as she transforms in the moonlight. We have used silks, georgette, pashmina, embellished with hand crochet and silk thread embroidery. Colors are midnightblue, ink blue, black, sky grey and metallic silver. Dedicated to the mystery in a women, the outfits are relaxed, elegant and hand crafted.”