Rishi Naarad sang devotedly: ‘Ram has broad shoulders and long powerful arms. He has a beautiful neck spiralling like a smooth conch above which is a firm chin.’

Tradition records that Rishi Valmiki heard the story of Ramayana from the great Rishi Naarad. Valmiki asked Naarad if he could name a single human being in the wide world who personified all the virtues along with an unblemished character. “Is there anyone who is well versed in Dharma, who is grateful, truthful and of firm resolve? Who is possessed of right conduct and who is friendly to all living beings. Who is a man of knowledge and also powerful. Who has an exceptionally loving appearance. Who is self-controlled, who has conquered anger, who is full of splendour and who is above fault-finding and whom the very Gods fear when his wrath is provoked in battle.” So saying, Valmiki bowed to Naarad and said, “I wish to hear this, O Eminent Seer! For you alone are capable of knowing such a man.” (Valmiki Ramayan, Balakand, 1-5).

Naarad Rishi, who was known as the Trailokyagyata, one who has knowledge of the three worlds, was happy to relate the glories of Shri Ram. But he told Valmiki, that “the qualities and virtues that you have mentioned are very rare, and extremely difficult to find in any one person. However, I shall meditate deeply and tell you of such a person.”

So saying, sage Naarad contemplated, and then in a stream of inspired, run on lines, he sang the glories of this unique, divine embodiment of perfection in a human form:“known by the name of Ram, there is one born in the Ikshavaku dynasty. He is one who has all his senses and mind in complete control, he is powerful, radiant and resolute. He is not only intelligent and full of wisdom, he is glorious, eloquent and powerful. He is an invincible conqueror of all enemies of righteousness.” Then elaborating on his handsome physical attributes, Rishi Naarad further sang devotedly: “Ram has broad shoulders and long powerful arms. He has a beautiful neck spiralling like a smooth conch above which is a firm chin.Endowed with a broad chest and shapely shoulders, he is armed with a mighty bow to exterminate his foes and displays great valour. He has a very perfectly shaped handsome head, forehead and a charming complexion. With well-proportioned limbs and stature he has extremely attractive large eyes.”

Then Naarad sings of the beautiful mental and intellectual assets of Shri Ram: He says, “ Ram is well established in the tenets of Dharma, and therefore always firm in the practice of truth and pure dealings as the basis of all dharma. He lives his life engaged in promoting the welfare of all living beings, birds and animals included, with wisdom and self-control (RakshitaJeevalokasya). He is likened to Brahma (Prajapati) as a protector and a supporter of all. His fame as an ideal of human and kingly conduct, as the possessor of all auspicious qualities and riches and defender of all who sought his help, is spread far and wide.”

So divinely inspired was Naarad, that the description of Shri Ram gurgled out of him in a heavenly cadence as Rishi Valmiki sat transfixed and listened. He now began to sing of the intellectual glories of Lord Ram. “Ram has full knowledge of the Vedas and Vedanganas, and is established in the supreme truth described therein. Having a very sharp and bright intellect he is the possessor of a keen memory,therefore he has mastered the sciences. He is not only highly skilled in archery but there is no match to him.” The incidence of his having broken Shivji’s bow so easily at the Sita swayamvar, is famous. This bow was so heavy that all the kings that had gathered as suitors tried to lift it, but failed. The great Ravan was the wisest of them all. He was in awe of his altar of worship: Shivji. He knew that even moving that bow was beyond his power. So rather than becoming an object of ridicule amongst the kingly suitors, he decided not to even attempt it. Naaradji then narrated the very humane and gentle nature of this powerful warrior Ram, who was the defender of all.

“Shri Ram is gentle, shrewd and noble, and is loved by all. All righteous people naturally seek him as rivers seek the ocean. Well pleasing, courteous to all, he is composed calm and balanced at all times. Perfected with all virtues, he makes the heart of his mother swell with love and joy (Kaushalyanandavardhana). Dignified and profound like the unfathomable depths of the ocean, yet he is rock like firm as the mighty Himalayas.”

Lastly,Naaradji bursts into poetic similes, as he describes Lord Ram’s presence as soothing and healing as the Moon, his nature as tolerant as the Mother Earth, his generosity like that of a (samastyagey), one who can easily give up all, yet when fighting with injustice and adharma, his anger takes the ferocious form of (kaalagni) the destructive fire of death. Shri Ram is forever established in truth and righteousness.

Thus having sung the glories of this perfect ideal who descended to this earth as a divine avatar in the embodiment of the prince of Ayodhya, the name of this holy place means (a no-war zone), Naaradji left for Saket.(Valmiki RamayanBalakand, 1- 1-19).
Prarthna Saran is President, Chinmaya Mission Delhi.