In a joint collaboration between The Japan Foundation and Geek Art, the eagerly awaited exhibition titled ‘Echoes of Prosperity’ recently made its grand debut at The Japan Foundation, Delhi. The exhibition, held in conjunction with the India Art Fair, promises to provide a captivating journey into Japan’s cultural evolution during the dynamic decades of the 1980s and 1990s through an array of vibrant visual design posters by the likes of Kiyoshi Awazu, Shigeo Fukuda, Yusaku Kamekura, Mitsuo Katsui, Koichi Sato, Ikko Tanaka, and Masatoshi Toda, among others.

Aoi Ishimaru, Director Arts, The Japan Foundation, rejoices, “We are delighted to showcase Japanese contemporary design posters in collaboration with Geek Art, which is an emerging company to build a global connection in the art sector.” These works were composed between 1980 and 1990, known as the period of the Bubble Economy in Japan. “This period was extremely good for business as reflected in the works. We hope the audience understands the atmosphere at that time since art is a mirror of society,” adds Ishimaru.
Geek Art is an exclusive Indo-Japanese gallery specializing in contemporary art. ‘Echoes of Prosperity’ presents a curated selection of visual design posters that mirror Japan’s era of economic growth, urbanization, and technological advancements. The exhibition serves as a vital platform for dialogue on the enduring impact of visual culture, spotlighting Japan’s remarkable era of prosperity and cultural influence.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with The Japan Foundation to present ‘Echoes of Prosperity’ as a parallel event to the India Art Fair,” says Moksha Modgill, Art Director of Geek Art. “These events not only showcase the rich cultural heritage of Japan but also highlight the innovative spirit of contemporary Japanese artists. We invite art enthusiasts and collectors to join us in celebrating the creativity and vision of these remarkable works,” she further adds.

In collaboration with The Japan Foundation, renowned for its comprehensive international cultural exchange programs, this exhibition offers a unique opportunity to delve into Japan’s rich cultural heritage and its profound influence on the contemporary art scene of the 1980s-90s. The 1980s in Japan marked a period of unparalleled growth and innovation. From the flourishing anime and manga industry to the rise of Nintendo and the transformation of the economy into an information-based powerhouse, the impact of this era is still felt today.

Geek Art, known for its commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of contemporary Japanese art, will also be a prominent participant in the upcoming India Art Fair scheduled from February 1st to 4th, 2024, in Delhi. At the fair, Geek Art will go beyond the confines of the exhibition by showcasing the works of prominent contemporary Japanese artists such as Kenji Yanobe, Tomiyuki Kaneko, Shun Sudo, Yusuke Asai, along with a special artist. This provides art enthusiasts and collectors with a unique and immersive opportunity to explore and acquire pieces from these visionary creators.

The ‘Echoes of Prosperity’ exhibition is not just a celebration of the past but a bridge between the historical roots and the contemporary art landscape. The vibrancy and diversity of the visual designs act as a time capsule, capturing the spirit of an era marked by economic prosperity, urbanization, and technological leaps. Each poster tells a story, not just of artistic prowess, but of a nation navigating through a complex maze of social, economic, and cultural changes.

The exhibition is open to the public from January 27th to February 4th, 2024, at The Japan Foundation, Delhi. It’s a narrative unfolding across the canvas of time that invites us to engage with the past, understand the present, and contemplate the future through the lens of art. As the doors of The Japan Foundation in Delhi open to the public, they reveal not just posters on walls but echoes of a prosperous era resonating through the corridors of time.