BJP MP and former WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh has sought to be discharged in the sexual harassment case filed against him by women wrestlers, citing a delay in reporting the alleged offense and contradictions in the complainants’ statements. The counsel representing Singh informed a Delhi metropolitan court that the incidents were said to have occurred in 2012 but were only reported to the police in 2023. This submission was presented before Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Priyanka Rajpoot during arguments regarding whether charges should be framed against Singh and his co-accused Vinod Tomar, the former assistant secretary of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). The counsel stated, “There was a long delay in reporting the alleged offenses. The incidents of 2012 were reported to the police in 2023. The alleged incidents took place at different times and places. There is no link between the incidents…there are also contradictions in the affidavit and the statement of complainants,” during the court proceedings. The court is scheduled to resume hearing the matter on February 6, 2024.
Earlier, Delhi Police had sought the court to frame charges against Singh in the case.