The Delhi High Court has ordered power company BSES to pay Rs. 10 lakh as ex-gratia compensation to Shagufta Ali, widow of Afzal Ali, a Sub Inspector who died from electrocution in 2017.

Shagufta had initially sought Rs. 50 lakh. Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav stated, “In light of the benefits already provided to the petitioner, the Court deems it appropriate to grant an ex-gratia amount of Rs 10 lakh.” BSES must make this payment within three months, or face a 6% annual interest penalty for delays.

The Court noted that Shagufta’s family has already received nearly Rs. 28 lakh in pension
benefits and is set to continue receiving a monthly pension until 2027.
The Court also emphasized that this ex-gratia payment is separate from any future compensation that might be awarded by a Civil Court. Shagufta is encouraged to seek additional legal remedies if needed.

Afzal Ali, a Delhi Police Sub-Inspector, was electrocuted on May 21, 2017, while seeking shelter from the rain. The Court found that, based on the evidence, negligence could not solely be attributed to BSES at this stage. The Court stated that further determination of liability would be decided in a Civil Court based on additional evidence.