Delhi’s Karkardooma Court has acquitted 10 accused in the case of rioting, giving them benefit of doubts. This case pertains to an FIR registered at Gokulpuri in 2020. Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Pulastya Pramachala acquitted ten accused persons, namely Mohammed Shahnawaz alias Shanu, Mohd. Shoaib alias Chhutwa, Shahrukh, Rashid alias Raja, Azad, Ashraf Ali, Parvej, Md Faisal, Rashid alias Monu and Mohammed Tahir.

“I find that charges levelled against all the accused persons in this case are not
proved beyond reasonable doubts. Hence, accused Mohd. Shahnawaz alias
Shanu, Mohd. Shoaib alias Chhutwa, Shahrukh, Rashid alias Raja, Azad, Ashraf Ali,
Parvej, Md. Faisal, Rashid alias Monu and Mohd Tahir are given benefit of doubt and
they are acquitted of all the charges levelled against them in this case,” ASJ Pramachala
said in the order passed on September 12. These persons were charge sheeted by the police for having committed offences punishable under Section- As per prosecution on 01.03.2020, complainant Narender Kumar made a written complaint in police station Gokalpuri alleging that he was residing at C-3/C-2, Chaman Park, Brijpuri Road, Shiv Vihar Tiraha, Delhi.