The Delhi High Court has asked the authorities to guarantee the maintenance of public toilets and facilities in accordance with proper sanitation standards. The court stressed that the operation and upkeep of these facilities are integral to effective management, and the implementation of a complaint reporting or feedback system is imperative.

A bench led by Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma acknowledged the petitioner’s concerns regarding the deplorable condition of some public toilets in the city, stating that these concerns are indeed substantial and require attention.

The court emphasised the responsibility of civic authorities to maintain public toilets and conveniences in compliance with appropriate sanitation standards. It highlighted the need for more proactive measures. Additionally, the court stressed that while the establishment of toilets is crucial, the operation and maintenance of these facilities are equally essential aspects of effective management. Implementing a complaint reporting system and gathering feedback can significantly improve the condition and usability of public conveniences.

In its order, the court directed all civic authorities to prominently display the name and contact information of the entity responsible for operating and maintaining each toilet facility on-site. This allows the public to report inconveniences directly. The court clarified that complaints must be addressed and resolved in a timely and efficient manner.
The court expressed confidence that the authorities will give due consideration to the issues raised and take the necessary steps to address them.

The Delhi High Court responded to a matter concerning unhygienic conditions and poor maintenance of public toilets. The case was brought before the court by the Jan Seva Welfare Society, which highlighted the problems faced by the public due to inadequate maintenance of public toilets at various locations in the city.

The plea emphasised the lack of proper sanitation, leading to unhygienic conditions that could potentially cause infectious diseases. It requested that the authorities ensure clean and sanitised public urinals with adequate access to clean water and electricity.

The petitioner sought directions for authorities to inspect all available and functional public urinals in the national capital and called for the strategic construction of additional public toilets.