Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar police have arrested 6 shooters involved in the Ferozepur triple murder case during an overnight operation. The accused, fleeing on the Nagpur-Mumbai Samruddhi Expressway, were caught in a multi-purpose vehicle hired from Nanded. Along with the shooters, the driver, Gajendra Shriram from Nanded, was also detained.

Police Commissioner Pravin Pawar confirmed the successful operation, which was part of a coordinated effort led by Punjab Police’s anti-gangster task force and central agencies. The shooters, identified as Ravinder Singh, Sukhchain Singh, Akshay Kumar, Daler Singh, Gurpreet Singh, and Prince, are from Punjab. They were arrested near the Sawangi tunnel of the Samruddhi Expressway while attempting to escape.

The Ferozepur case involved a violent attack with 36 bullets, resulting in the death of Jaspreet Kaur and the subsequent deaths of her cousin and acquaintance. Jaspreet’s brother and another individual are critically injured. The police set a trap after learning the suspects were on the expressway, leading to their capture.”