Mumbai: The Mumbai Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) on Saturday has summoned Ashish Hemrajani, CEO and co-founder of BookMyShow, along with the company’s technical head, regarding a complaint alleging black marketing of tickets for the upcoming Coldplay concert in January 2025.

The highly anticipated event has sparked concerns over potential ticketing scams, with millions of fans competing for a limited number of tickets. BookMyShow is the official ticketing partner for Coldplay’s concerts.

The investigation was initiated based on a complaint filed by an advocate. An EOW official stated:

“Accordingly, the CEO and co-founder of BookMyShow Ashish Hemrajani, along with the company’s technical head, have been summoned. Their statements will be recorded on Saturday. A preliminary enquiry has begun.”

In response to these allegations, BookMyShow has also lodged a police complaint regarding the sale of fake tickets on various platforms. The company clarified that it is not affiliated with any ticket-selling or reselling platforms, such as Viagogo and Gigsberg, or any third-party individuals for the resale of tickets for Coldplay’s Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2025 in India.

BookMyShow stated

“Scalping is strictly condemned and punishable by law in India. We have filed a complaint with the police authorities and will provide complete support to them in the investigation.”

The online ticket aggregator urged consumers to avoid falling victim to scams, warning that any tickets purchased from unauthorized sources carry the risk of being counterfeit.