A Delhi court on Saturday pulled up the police for delaying the de-sealing of the room where the dead body of Sunanda Pushkar, wife of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, was found and for not informing Hotel Leela that the investigation into the case needed more time. The court also asked the police to submit the case report on 4 September. During the proceedings, lawyers of Hotel Leela informed the Delhi’s Patiala House Court bench that they were informed by police on Friday regarding de-sealing of the suit where Pushkar was found dead. “Yesterday (Friday), the police sent a letter to the management that the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) team will visit the premises again on 1 September for collecting evidence and as such room cannot be de-sealed yet,” the lawyer of Hotel Leela informed the court. The lawyers added that the room has been sealed since 2015 and despite that , no evidence has been collected so far. The police told the court that the investigation in the case is still under way. “Last week, the investigation team held a meeting and it was decided that the CFSL team will have to visit the crime scene again,” police informed the court.
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