On Saturday the police force of Uttar Pradesh was felicitated by India News TV channel , with Shaurya Samman for its contribution to society.
Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav presented the awards to the policemen.
Winners included Constable Kapil Kumar of Moradabad, who got the award for Outstanding Act of Bravery and martyr Constable Bhudev Kumar of Gautam Budh Nagar, who received the award for Bravery (posthumous) .
Talking about the initiative, Kartikeya Sharma, managing director, iTV Network, said, “On behalf of India News, I extend my gratitude to all the winners of Shaurya Samman. It’s a moment of pride to honour the police officials for their remarkable duty towards ensuring peace and prosperity in society.”
Adding to that, Deepak Chaurasia, editor-in-chief of India News, said, “Through Shaurya Samman awards we express our gratitude to the police force and share their exemplary acts of courage with millions of our