Prasar Bharati chairman A. Surya Prakash has complained to the top leadership of the country that “gross, repeated and unwanted interference” from a few officials of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in the functioning of this autonomous body would damage its interests in the long run.

The top leadership, according to sources, assured Surya Prakash that no interference will be allowed from outside and the autonomy given to Prasar Bharati will not be diluted. Surya Prakash was reappointed for his second stint as chairman of PB in December last year only.

In recent times, a few officials of I&B ministry had issued multiple “orders” which were objected to by the chairman and the members of PB for the “wording” of one such “order”. In the order, the I&B ministry had directed PB to terminate the services of all contractual employees while questioning the wisdom of the PB board with regard to these appointments. The chairman and the members of Prasar Bharati took strong exception to it during a board meeting that took place on Thursday, said sources aware of the developments.

The PB board members said that this constituted contempt of it, while reducing it to a subordinate office of I&B ministry.