The security details of underworld don Chhota Rajan, who was brought to India on Friday morning from Indonesia, were a closely guarded secret, with only about 15 senior officials from the office of the National Security Advisor, Central Bureau of Investigation, Delhi police Special Cell and intelligence agencies aware of the arrangements in place once he landed here.
Officials said that the security agencies had worked on two alternative routes to bring Rajan from the Indira Gandhi International Airport to the CBI headquarters where he was taken in for questioning, and the route through which he was brought in was known only to the senior officials. The said route was guarded by sleuths of the Special Cell. Rajan was sent to CBI custody by a court here on Saturday, a day after he was brought from Bali. Officials said that though most of the crimes committed by Rajan were in Maharashtra, the Ministry Of Home Affairs is reluctant to share Rajan’s custody with Maharashtra police. “Dawood Ibrahim still has influence in Maharashtra police and we cannot take any chances with Rajan’s life. Maybe in the future, when we have questioned him completely, we might take him to Maharashtra. But the possibility of him being handed to Maharashtra police right now is completely ruled out,” a senior official with a security agency said.
Rajan’s questioning will reveal the nexus between the political class and the underworld.
It was due to Dawood’s influence that the Central agencies prevailed upon the government to ask the Maharashtra government to hand over cases related to Rajan to the CBI and this was done by the state government on Thursday itself.
The fact that Dawood and his henchmen continue to exercise influence over certain sections in the Maharashtra police and political circles, has been shared by the intelligence agencies with the Centre repeatedly.
“We expect that his questioning will reveal the nexus between the political class and the underworld, something that will be very detrimental for those who have been dealing with the underworld and hence they will go to any extent to silence him,” the official said.