The conservation of Dal Lake and Nageen Lake may see a revival after the Prime Minister’s recently announced package for Jammu & Kashmir that has earmarked Rs 2,241 crore for the tourism sector and Rs 500 crore for water bodies of both regions. Recently, the J&K High Court took strong note of the state government’s decision to withhold Rs 15 crore meant for the Lakes and Waterways Development Authority (LAWDA) for conservation of the Dal Lake and released by Central government for them. LAWDA had pleaded before the court that because of withholding of funds by the state government, untreated sewage was entering Dal and Nageen lakes. Under the National Lakes Conservation Projects (NLCP), Dal and Nageen Lakes were given Rs 298.76 crore and the project was to be completed by March 2010. “But the funding was very slow and till March 2014, we got only Rs 248 crore and during 2014-2015, no money was released to us under NLCP,” a senior LAWDA official said. He said that a few days ago, the state cabinet approved a Rs 26 crore project for realignment of houseboats in Dal Lake and he hoped that the work would start soon. He said that the PM’s package would also be a big boost and that money would not be a problem now.