Several complaints were made to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal against former Delhi Minister for Women and Child Development Sandeep Kumar of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the past one year, but the CM did not take any action against him, say sources. A CD surfaced this week showing Sandeep Kumatr in a compromising position with two women that resulted in his sacking by the Delhi CM.

A source close to AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal said, “We have been receiving several complaints against Sandeep Kumar for a long time. He did not have a clean image. There were reports of his inefficiency as well. Kejriwal was informed about all this from time to time, he did not take any action against him.”

Omprakash, the man who made public the CD, has also said that the person who had given him the CD had approached Kejriwal and his close associates around 15 days ago, but was turned away. Speaking to The Sunday Guardian, Omprakash said, “The person who had given me the CD had told me that he had met Kejriwal and his associates long ago and apprised him of the incident, but he was asked to leave. No action was taken. He then approached me to make the CD public. And that is why we gave it to the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi.”

He refused to comment further on the issue, alleging that he has been receiving threats from anti-social elements and has noticed some “movements” near his house in Sultanpur Majra, the place where the sacked minister also belongs. “Our family is completely devastated since the day we have been in front of the camera. Some unknown faces come in front of our house at strange hours and stare at our house, as if they want to cause some harm to us. My entire family has become paranoid. The police should give us protection. We need the help of the police to save my family. He (Sandeep Kumar) can do anything to my family,” lamented Omprakash.

Omprakash is a wholesaler of wood charcoal and has been living in Sultanpur Majra for the past 35 years. Sultanpur Majra is the Assembly constituency of Sandeep Kumar. Omprakash had earlier claimed that he belonged to the Congress party, but the Congress was quick to disown any association with him.

Kumar was seen in a compromising position with two women in the CD that was given to the Lieutenant Governor by the complainant. Though he had been sacked as a minister immediately after the CD was in public domain, he was also later stripped of his MLA post following media pressure. On Saturday, Kumar was also sacked from the primary membership of the party.