A young Delhi scientist who is also a polio survivor with 40% disability has been running from pillar to post for the past three years trying to get reinstated as a scientist in the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the Ministry of Science of Technology, Government of India. Mohd. Faisal Nawaz, having Kyphoscoliosis (severe spinal curve, leading to the contraction of lungs) had been working as an engineer at the DST’s Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore from 2009 to 2013, and had to seek transfer to his home state in Delhi because of problems caused due to his disability.  According to Faisal, he had filled the form for the post of a “scientist” in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Delhi, under the Ministry of Science following an advertisement in 2014 for a vacancy reserved for “handicapped” persons. “The application I made was according to the advertisement that called for applications from handicapped persons in one of the reserved posts. Even after I cleared the tests, the post was given to the abled-bodied. This is a violation of the rights of disabled persons.” he said.