Selfie craze claimed the lives of five engineering college students in Warangal city in Telangana on Saturday forenoon. The five, including two girls, were studying B.Tech computer science third year in Vagdevi Engineering College in Warangal and went to the nearby Dharma Sagar lake on the outskirts for a ride. The deceased – P. Sravya Reddy, 19, P. Vinoothna 18, Siva Sai, 19, Sagar, 19 and Siva Krishna, 20 – went about half a km inside the lake and were taking selfies. Sravya stepped on a slippery rock and fell into the waters. Pratyusha, their classmate, screamed for help. The other four jumped into the waters to save her, but all were hit by boulders on their heads in the water and fell unconscious. Some people rushed there and dragged them out of the waters within minutes, but they were found dead.
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