The Jammu and Kashmir police, the Army and the Central intelligence agencies have reviewed the security situation in the state and have decided to frame a new strategy for the winter months, amid reports that infiltration will increase, as well as militant attacks. According to the state police, they have already formulated a new plan, which is focused on intelligence.

The core group of the security set-up held a meeting at the Badami Bagh Cantonment. It was co-chaired by Lt Gen J.S. Sandhu, GOC Chinar Corps, and state police chief K. Rajender Kumar. They stressed on more coordination among the security and intelligence agencies as they shared information about the possible increase in militant attacks, especially along the highway in South Kashmir.According to a press statement after the meeting, they have decided to evolve a comprehensive strategy to respond to various external and internal security challenges, especially during winter. The meet also discussed the decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs to withdraw 50 companies of the CRPF and the BSF from the Valley as the protests have died down considerably. The focus will be more on intelligence gathering at various levels to combat the security challenges especially for the safe movement of Army convoys. Police sources said that the 50 companies of paramilitary forces were not part of any counter-insurgency operations, but were retained here after the Amarnath Yatra because of growing protests and unrest.The state police has also inducted a fresh batch of 200 special commandos. exclusively drawn from the local police. According to a senior officer, these commandos have been imparted with the latest training under the guidance of experts from various police and security agencies