The Delhi police has made adequate preparations to deal with the agitation by Jats demanding reservations, that will begin from 20 March. From mock drills to deployment of Jat cops and para-military forces, the Delhi police is making every possible arrangement to counter the agitation led by Yashpal Malik, president of the All India Jat Arakshan Sangharsh Samititi (AIJASS). Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik held a meeting on Thursday with all senior police officers, including special commissioners, joint commissioners and deputy commissioners of districts, along with SHOs, to review arrangements.

“No vehicle with protesters will be allowed inside the capital. There’s a Supreme Court direction in place which prescribes that no tractor and trolley should be permitted inside Delhi; therefore, the police is bound to implement the SC’s direction. If any protester tries to enter the capital, his vehicle will be impounded and the vehicles will not be released as it will be violation of the SC’s directions,” DCP (North) Madhur Verma said.

“Delhi Police will ensure that additional forces are deployed. Police will also get help from anti-riot squads,” Verma added.