Dr U.D. Choubey, Director General, SCOPE spoke on Reforms taken in Public Sector Enterprises in India. The occasion was the OECD second meeting of the Global Network on Corporate Governance of State owned Enterprises (SOEs) held in Dubai where a large number of countries represented their State owned Enterprises.
Dr Choubey complimented Government of India for initiating a large number of reforms including classification of PSUs into Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna, listing of PSUs on Stock Exchanges, improving Corporate Governance, leadership qualities and appropriate succession planning etc. He advocated for well-documented Ownership Policy for public sector enterprises.
DG, SCOPE concluded by saying that public sector enterprises in India have done better in the post liberalization era and also has successfully made headway towards global competitiveness. Indian CPSEs have taken Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in both letter and spirit.