Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday reviewed the status of Goods and Services Tax (GST), which will be rolled-out from 1 July, and said it as a “turning point” for the economy.

“The Prime Minister asserted that the implementation of GST from 1 July is the culmination of the concerted efforts of all stakeholders, including political parties, trade and industry bodies,” an official statement issued here said.

At a review meeting with officials, Modi described the GST as a turning point for the economy, unprecedented in history. He said the creation of ‘One Nation; One Market; One Tax’ will greatly benefit the common man. 

Modi directed officials to pay maximum attention to cyber-security in IT systems concerned with the GST.

The meeting, which lasted for over two and a half hours, was attended by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and many top officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Cabinet Secretary.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister specifically reviewed aspects of implementation such as IT readiness, HR readiness, training and sensitisation of officers, query handling mechanism, and monitoring.

The Prime Minister was informed that GST systems such as IT infrastructure, training of officials, integration with banks, and enrolment of existing taxpayers will be ready well in time for the roll-out on 1 July.