The abysmal results of students in this year’s Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Class XII examinations have led to a drastic drop in the number of students applying from Bihar for admission to undergraduate courses of the Delhi University (DU). According to the data of online registration of applicants in DU, an “extreme dip” in admission registrations from BSEB students has been recorded, compared to last year. Online applications in DU from the Bihar Board saw a drop to 3,192 this year from 4,375 last year. In 2015, around 14,000 students from Bihar had applied for admission in DU’s undergraduate courses. With around 65% of the total appearing students who wrote the BSEB exams failing to pass, the overall pass percentage this year remained at an abysmally low 35%. In general, the total number of applications for Delhi University’s undergraduate courses has fallen this year compared to last year.“With the registration process ending on 12 June, a total 207,751 aspirants applied for the 54,000 seats in 61 colleges. Last year, 2,50,914 people had applied. Officials attributed this to the technical glitches in the online portal and delayed and poor results of the state boards of the country,” T.K Das, Registrar of DU, said.
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