LUCKNOW: In a groundbreaking move aimed at bridging the gap between governance and the grassroots, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has called upon his cabinet ministers to shun the trappings of VIP culture and dive headfirst into public engagement.

Following the recent Lok Sabha election results, where the BJP faced setbacks in certain constituencies, CM Yogi wasted no time in initiating introspection within his government. In a candid meeting held on Saturday, the Chief Minister rallied his ministers, urging them to forsake the allure of VIP treatment and instead immerse themselves in the everyday lives of the people they serve.

“It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get down to the grassroots,” exclaimed the Chief Minister, his voice echoing the sentiment of a new era of governance in Uttar Pradesh. “We must step out of our comfort zones, venture into every district, and address the concerns of our fellow citizens directly.”

Sources close to the Chief Minister revealed that ministers will embark on district tours starting June 10th, signalling a shift towards a more hands-on approach to governance. This move is expected to bolster public confidence in the government and strengthen the bond between elected officials and the electorate.

Furthermore, CM Yogi emphasized the importance of conducting public hearings, where ministers would personally listen to the grievances of the people and take immediate action to resolve them. This proactive approach underscores the government’s commitment to responsive governance and efficient problem-solving.

In addition to encouraging direct interaction with the public, CM Yogi outlined a series of upcoming initiatives aimed at addressing pressing issues such as environmental conservation, education, and healthcare. These programs, he stressed, would require collective effort and unwavering dedication from all stakeholders to ensure their success. As the state government sets its sights on the road ahead, CM Yogi’s bold move signals a paradigm shift in governance, one that prioritizes people-centric policies and active engagement with the grassroots. With ministers poised to embark on a journey of public service, Uttar Pradesh stands on the brink of a new era of inclusive and responsive governance under the visionary leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.