Amid Janata Dal United Chief Nitish Kumar’s switchover claims, Congress has appointed the former chief minister of Chhattisgarh as the observer of Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and other party activities in Bihar. His appointment is seen as Congress’ prompt response to manage the fluid political scenario of the state.

A senior Congress leader said, “His appointment is just to tackle the upcoming political shake-up which could be caused by Nitish Kumar. Baghel is now supposed to oversee all the activities that may take place with Congress cadre. We have 19 MLAs and it would be tried that they should be taken care of. We would be protecting our own cadre.”

The announcement, made through a press release by party General Secretary KC Venugopal stated, “Honorable Congress President Malikarjun Kharge has appointed Bhupesh Baghel as senior observer to coordinate Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and other party activities in Bihar with immediate effect.”