New Delhi: India’s coronavirus count edged closer to the 90-lakh mark on Friday with 44,878 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases to 87,28,795. This is the sixth consecutive day where less than 50,000 new Covid-19 cases were reported in 24 hours. According to latest figures released by the Union ministry of health and family welfare, the nation’s infection tally has reached 87,28,795, the active caseload however, remained below 4.9 lakh. As many as 81,15,580 people have recovered from the viral infection either in Covid-19 designated hospitals or in-home isolation.

National capital Delhi reported 104 deaths due to coronavirus infection on Friday, the highest fatalities due to the highly contagious virus in one day. The city reported 7,053 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the last highest fatalities on June 16 when 93 people died of the virus. The total coronavirus cases in Delhi is now 4,67,028. Some 4.16 lakh have recovered. The daily positivity rate in the national capital is 11.71 per cent, while the national average is 3.8 per cent.

Rajasthan reported 2,144 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 12 people succumbed to the virus and 1,827 were recovered today. Total cases in the state rise to 2,21,471 including 2,044 deaths and 2,01,770 recoveries, and 17,657 active cases in the state.

Maharashtra’s Covid-19 tally on Friday rose to 17,40,461 after it recorded 4,132 fresh cases. The state also reported 127 more deaths due to the infection, taking the fatality count to 45,809. Also, 7,809 patients were discharged from hospitals during the day, taking the tally of recovered people to 16,05,064. Mumbai reported 801 new cases of coronavirus, which is also the highest daily count so far this month, taking its tally to 2,68,407. The death toll increased to 10,542 with 17 fresh fatalities.

Haryana reported a record single-day spike of 2,788 new cases. The previous record spike of 2,783 new cases was reported on September 12. The total number of cases has reached 1,93,111, including 1,979 deaths and 1,72,265 recoveries.

West Bengal reported 3,856 new cases, bringing the state’s tally to 4,20,840. Also, 7,506 people have died in the state while 3,81,149 have recovered.

Kerala continued to record high number of cases which is stands at 5,537 on Thursday. The number of active cases in the state stands at 77,813 and 4,28,529 recoveries have been reported so far.

Andhra Pradesh reports 1,593 new Covid-19 cases taking the total positive cases in the state to 8,51,298. There are 20,262 active cases and 8,24,189 recovered cases in the State. Meanwhile the death toll is at 6,847 as per the State Health Department.

Tamil Nadu’s daily fresh coronavirus cases were less than 2,000 on Friday, as the active cases dropped below 18,000. With the addition of 1,939 fresh infections, the cumulative tally of the virus-infected clocked 7,54,460, even as the number of persons cured climbed to 7,25,258 with 2,572 discharges today. Subsequently, the number of active cases in the state was 17,748.