The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Harivansh Lambast, on Thursday, responded to the remarks made by a Pakistani delegate on the issue of Kashmir at an Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
Speaking at a 145th IPU assembly, Deputy Chairman of RS, Harivansh Lambast, criticised Pakistan for choosing to misuse this platform to propagate false and malicious propaganda against India and distract from the current discussion.
Addressing the 145th IPU Assembly in Rwanda, he said, “We reiterate that Pakistan must immediately cease anti-India cross-border terrorism and shut down its infrastructure of terrorism, stop human rights violations in Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir (PoJK), and refrain from affecting any further material change in the status of PoK and vacate Indian territories under its illegal occupation.”
He, further, stated that the world is aware of how Osama Bin Laden, the face of global terrorism, was located in Pakistan. Pakistan glorified the terrorist on the floor of the Parliament. Oddly, Pakistan is claiming to be a victim of terrorism. This is the nation that supports terrorist organisations covertly.
The global organization of national parliaments was founded in 1887 and has a total of 178 member parliaments. The organisation enhance world peace, democracy, and sustainable development and facilitates parliamentary diplomacy.