Srinagar: In the past one week, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court passed two directions to the state administration for the preservation of water bodies, especially Khushalsar and Anchar Lakes besides the Dal Lake, which is under the supervision of the court.

Division Bench of Jammu and Kashmir High Court has directed the Department of Ecology, Environment and remote sensing to place satellite images of both Anchar and Khushalsar Lakes before the court. Earlier, it had submitted to the court satellite mapping of Dal Lake and Nageen Lake of Srinagar. The court had earlier observed that both these lakes were vanishing on the outskirts of Srinagar due to high pollution levels and several construction activities had almost chocked both the lakes.

The Jammu and Kashmir High Court had asked the Lakes and Waterways Development Authority (LAWDA) to take immediate measures for preservation of these two lakes. LAWDA has told that it had submitted comprehensive preservation plans to the Central government, which refused any funding unless the authorities take care of untreated sewage that’s flowing directly into Anchar and Khushalsar lakes.