In anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Karnataka is making significant strides, with the appointment of Vijayendra as the state president and R. Ashoka, the Vokkaliga face of the party.

Vijayendra’s Bid to Secure Lingayat Votes
Recognizing the pivotal role of Lingayat votes, the BJP brass has appointed Vijayendra, son of former Chief Minister Yediyurappa, as the state president. While Vijayendra’s lineage is noteworthy, his political acumen was showcased in by-election victories where the party lacked a stronghold. This move is seen as an effort to consolidate Lingayat support, especially after the community’s votes scattered in the last Assembly elections.

Vijayendra’s proactive role in the party’s organization and his rapport with senior leaders, including Yediyurappa, have fuelled speculation that the BJP may see increased support from the Lingayat community in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Simultaneously, the BJP high command has strategically chosen R. Ashok, belonging to the Vokkaliga community, as the Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly. Ashok’s experience in key portfolios, including Deputy Chief Minister and Home Department, coupled with his Okkaliga identity, positions him to garner support from the Okkaliga community. Additionally, his amicable relations with JD(S) leaders suggest a potential alliance that could be advantageous in securing votes for the BJP.

BJP’s Alliance with JD(S) and Strategic Moves
Understanding the importance of Vokkaliga votes and recognizing the challenge of winning them over without a prominent Vokkay leader, the BJP has aligned itself with the JD(S). This strategic move aims to attract Vokkaliga votes, a significant portion of which traditionally goes to the Deve Gowda family. Despite some dissent within the party, including resignations from leaders such as V. Somanna, Basanagowda Patil Yatnal, and Aravinda Bellad, the BJP remains confident in its strategic decisions. Efforts are ongoing to maintain cohesion within the party, with the possibility of appointing a leader from the backward classes as leader of the opposition in the legislative council.

Yediyurappa’s Leadership Reasserted
With Vijayendra and R. Ashok assuming key roles, the state BJP has experienced a renewed momentum. The party, once under the stewardship of B.L. Santosh, is now firmly back in the hands of veteran leader Yediyurappa. The impending Lok Sabha elections are set to unfold under Yediyurappa’s leadership, with the BJP expressing optimism in its pursuit to secure victories in all 28 constituencies.