NEW DELHI: After Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS) chief and Telangana chief minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao held a public address last week in Khamam district of the state, party insiders say it was to send the message of dominance to Telegu Desam Party and Congress in the region. Earlier, chief of TDP Chandrababu Naidu had also conducted a public rally in the region.
A BRS leader said, “One of the leaders from BRS, former Khammam MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, is planning to switch over to BJP, who has a strong presence and is a mass leader. He has a hold in the district. He has considerable public support as well. That is also one of the reasons to hold the public address there. If he goes, the cadre must be intact. From that meeting it signals that KCR wants to ensure that the party remains indomitable and relevant in every part of the state.”
A senior leader indicated the Khammam public address had given enough signals to its own cadre that the party stands strong. “It is certainly a way of KCR to consolidate their (MLAs’) standing in the region so that they can come back to power. KCR is actually a good strategist, a political analyst said, and he is a 24 hour politician; he even thinks politics in his sleep. “He always thinks what advantages come from home and what advantages can come from which part, and more importantly Khammam is a prominent place in terms of electoral share for the Communist Party. Until today, they are not getting seats but they have an appreciable vote share there. If they had not aligned with the Communist party in the recent Monugude bypolls, it would have been difficult for them to win,” he added.