New Delhi: Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister for Health and Family Welfare said at the Manch on Covid, “This is a virus which spreads through air and comes up stronger after every mutation in a different form. So different viruses are coming and spreading. Most of the time the common route of its spreading has been China, Japan, Korea then Europe and America and then you sea Latin America and then it hits South Asia. After 15 to 20 days it starts spreading here.”  He further added, “As India is a huge country it becomes incumbent for us to prepare for it and PM Modi managed the earlier two waves very efficiently through a very fast paced vaccination process. There were more than 1.5 lakh vaccine centres that were kept running successfully. India dealt with it in the past and the result of it is it the first economy that revives after the Covid catastrophe.”
The minister also said, “The government is taking all the required measures. We have started 2% random checking of air passengers. We will make the testing of people coming from seaports compulsory. The import and export of medicines will be under surveillance. We are taking steps one by one to avoid any crisis in the country.”