Raj Kumar Verka, a former Punjab minister and a prominent Dalit leader from Amritsar, announced his departure from the BJP on Friday. He stated his intention to rejoin the Congress, marking a significant move in his political career. A four-time MLA, Verka made this announcement in Amritsar, precisely two weeks after he shared a photo of himself with Union Home Minister Amit Shah on social media. As per political experts, it’s almost like posting a picture with the captain of one team, while secretly plotting to switch sides to the opposing team.
Verka said, “I am quitting the BJP. I have come to realize that only the Congress can truly unite the country. I am heading to Delhi to join the Congress.” He revealed that he had been in discussions with the Congress party’s high command. Last year, Verka had left the Congress after the party’s defeat in the Punjab Assembly elections. Recent photographs shared on social media showed Verka sitting alongside Amit Shah during a meeting in Amritsar on 29 September. Punjab BJP president Sunil Jakhar was also present at this event.
When asked, Verka did not confirm whether he had a meeting with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during his two-night stay in Amritsar earlier this month. Verka had left the Congress just last year, right after the party’s not-so-stellar performance in the Punjab Assembly elections. Verka had served as the vice-chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes for two terms. During his tenure, he leveraged his position to consolidate support among Dalits in Amritsar. His political journey was intertwined with Congress leader Phool Chand Gandhi, who played a key role in Verka’s establishment within the Congress. Verka won his first election in 2002. After a setback in 2007, he returned to the Punjab Assembly in 2012 and 2017, representing the Amritsar West seat.
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