We choose our dress, our food, what to buy, where to travel, whom to meet, what to do or not do, even which channel to watch. Do we ever choose our thoughts? The skill to master is dexterity in allowing or not allowing any thought unscrutinised entrance. Whatever the mind dwells on at length, gains a stronghold on you. Till the mind can drop that thought, you are a willing captive. If you start talking about your negative thoughts, you are not only doing a manasic japa of those thoughts but a vocal japa also. This gains power over the mind and brooding on negative thoughts can strangle joy.

Swami Chinmayanandaji always advised two things to control negative reactions. 1) Pre-warn and arm yourself against possible disturbing situations. 2) Postpone your reactions to them. Just try. You will notice that you then “respond” and not “react” as earlier. You have given sufficient time to your mind to choose your thoughts and words. Messaging often helps. An angry reaction damages your peace of mind. Anger, after all, is just one letter short of Danger.

Another mantra given by Swami Chinmayanandaji to harness the mind was “This too shall pass”. Change is a law. We often forget this, and come under the terrifying sway of present or imaginary circumstances. Fear emerges out of the mind’s amazing capacity to project . We are just thoughts in the mind of others, as others are just a thought in our mind. No mind, no world.

Think. Our whole persona is just a thought we have about ourselves. This persona also keeps changing thought by thought. Focusing on this maha mantra dissolves the very foundation of your terror dreams. Thoughts are not forced on you, you invite the unpleasant guests to come. Choose with alertness and wisdom.
Prarthna Saran, President Chinmaya Mission Delhi.