As the Lok Sabha elections loom on the horizon, Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister, D.K. Shivakumar, finds himself entangled in a renewed legal struggle. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) persists in its pursuit of implicating Shivakumar in the illegal assets case, casting a shadow over the upcoming Lok Sabha elections with his possible arrest in the DA case.

Currently, with the Congress in power in the state, any potential arrest of Shivakumar before the Lok Sabha elections could deal a significant blow to the party. Speculation is rife that concerted efforts are underway to push Shivakumar behind bars, creating a challenging situation for the Congress.

Praveen Sood, former Karnataka police officer and current CBI chief, shares a connection with both D.K. Shivakumar and the ongoing legal proceedings.

Adding to Shivakumar’s troubles, the CBI has once again approached the High Court, challenging the government’s decision to withdraw permission for the investigation. A petition filed by BJP leader Basanagowda Patil Yatnal, alongside the CBI’s plea, has prompted the court to recommend referring the CBI’s petition to a larger bench.

The possibility of an extended bench reviewing the government’s decision poses further complications for Shivakumar.
A recent hearing before a bench headed by Justice Krishna S. Dixit concluded, and the matter will soon progress to its final stages.

In a significant development, the court has directed the Lokayukta police to withhold any actions until the investigation is complete. The CBI lawyer, present during the trial, argued against the withdrawal of permission, emphasizing that the CBI’s investigation should continue, as initially permitted by the government.

The background of the case dates back to 2019 when the BJP government granted the CBI permission to investigate the money laundering allegations against D.K. Shivakumar.

Subsequent political changes led to the withdrawal of this permission by the Congress government on 28 November. A legal tug-of-war ensued, involving a dismissed petition by Shivakumar, an appeal before a division bench, and now, the intervention of the CBI and BJP MLA Yatnal.

As the case unfolds, the formation of an extended bench and its subsequent review of the government’s decision promise to be pivotal moments in D.K. Shivakumar’s legal predicament. The implications of these developments are closely watched, with potential ramifications for both the political landscape and the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.