A day after Indrani Mukerjea, prime accused in the Sheena Bora murder case, was rushed to J. J. Hospital after falling unconscious, forensic reports of her stomach wash have not found any traces of chemicals. However, Dr T. P. Lahane, dean of J. J. Hospital, said that the urine report showed that Indrani had taken an overdose of anti-depressant tablets.
“Normally, the tablets remain in stomach for three hours, after which they get absorbed in the body. The forensic report only means that the patient must have consumed the tablets more than three hours before being taken to the hospital. The urine report we received some time ago shows there was an overdose of anti-depressants,” Dr Lahane told reporters.
Indrani’s health condition continued to be critical. “She is in a state of deep sleep. Her respiratory depressions continue. The signs and symptoms show she has taken an overdose of anti-depressant pills. We can’t say how many. The condition typically affects respiration and consciousness. She will be kept under observation for the next 48 hours. These hours are critical for her. She is not yet out of danger,” he said.
She has been given oxygen support. She has not been put on ventilator.
Meanwhile, the State Home Department has ordered an inquiry into how Indrani could lay her hands on drugs. Many questions are being raised about the alleged delay in transferring Indrani from the Byculla prison to J. J. Hospital. According to media reports, she fell unconscious at 6 am on 2 October, but she was moved to J. J. Hospital only at 2 pm.
On Saturday, her lawyer Gunjan Mangala moved an application before the Esplanade court in Mumbai, to be allowed to meet her. She claimed that Indrani had not been informed about her mother’s death. The court has sought a report from the J. J. Hospital, after which it will decide on the application.
The CBI has also approached the court seeking the documents of the Sheena Bora murder case, as the investigation will now be conducted by them.
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