MUMBAI: The Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Radha Mohan Singh addressed a day-long conference in Mumbai on Wednesday focusing on how government, industry and farmers can work together to make farming more profitable.
In the address, Union Minister Singh stated that the Union Budget 2019 will be dedicated to the farmers which will contribute to the goal of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. The conference was organised by the Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI). “Remarkable progress has been made in the agriculture sector as a result of the schemes and policies of the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he said. Singh further stated that the budgetary outlay of the Ministry of Agriculture has been increased to Rs. 2,11,694 crore during 2014-19, he added. The day-long deliberation was attended by CCFI chairman Rajju Shroff, Minister for Agriculture and Horticulture (Maharashtra) Chandrakant Patil and various representatives of industry, academia and farming community.