Gujarat Chief Minister Smt Anandiben Patel, during a function at Dharampur in Valsad district on 17 April 2016, distributed land allotment orders to 4,599 tribal forest dwellers under the Forest Rights Act, 2006.
On the occasion, Patel expressed happiness over giving legal possession rights of land to tribal forest-dwellers and also said that the tribal settlements in forest areas will be given the status of “revenue villages” so that people of this region can avail benefits of various government schemes and avail bank loans so that they can improve their crops and prosper. The Chief Minister also said that this decision will help tribal farmers to get ownership rights for their land and will make revenue procedures trouble-free. The villagers living in forest areas will get the legal papers of their land with a map of their particular land, she added.
Addressing a large gathering, Chief Minister Patel said that tribals were struggling for their rights for many decades, but for the first time after independence, the BJP government has given them their due rights and empowered them.
Alongside, the Chief Minister dedicated the Kaprada Arts College built at a cost of Rs 9.16 crore and a bridge on the Wagh River constructed at a cost of Rs 9.05 crore. The Rs 21 crore Valsad District Collectorate and Rs 10 crore Vapi Taluka Office were also inaugurated.
Moreover, two blocks of the Government Engineering College built at a cost of Rs 32 crore and the Aavas Yojana, developed at a cost of Rs 5 crore for the poor at Dharampur, were also dedicated by the CM. She said that the state government has decided to set-up ITI for vocational training at Dharampur at the cost of Rs 12 crore and colleges and hostel facilities at 16 places in Valsad district to spread the scope of education in the district.
During the function, Chief Minister Anandiben Patel expressed happiness over giving legal possession rights of land to tribal forest dwellers and also said that the tribal settlements in forest areas will be given the status of “revenue villages” so that people of this region can avail the benefits of various government schemes and also avail bank loans so that they can improve their crops and prosper.
The Chief Minister also gave an outline of the various initiatives and allocations in the budget for tribal and rural development, including statewide free health screening and treatment campaign, cleanliness drive, MAA Annapurna Yojana, Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana, Doodh Sanjeevani Yojana, Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojana, etc. Patel informed that from 7 April, the World Health Day, arrangements have been made for typhoid tests at state PHCs and CHCs that would provide tests and diagnosis for most diseases. Patients will not be required to go to private laboratories and spend money.
The Chief Minister said that “our commitment for the betterment of the tribal and poor people across the state reflects the humanitarian approach of the state government”. She said that “our government is providing information on the various government schemes and services that we have actually implemented”. She also appealed to everybody to take the maximum benefit of the welfare schemes of the government.
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