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Tackling Covid prime focus, politics can wait: Chouhan

NewsTackling Covid prime focus, politics can wait: Chouhan

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj S. Chouhan speaks to The Sunday Guardian.

New Delhi: In a free-wheeling interaction with The Sunday Guardian, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan spoke on how his predecessor Kamal Nath was wrong in his assessment regarding Covid-19 testing in the state, why the lack of a separate health minister is not hampering work on the ground and how he intends to work with Scindia and company.
Chouhan also spoke on whether he was open to moving out of Bhopal, a question that has been a topic of political and media speculation for long. Excerpts:
Q: You took oath as the CM of the state at a very challenging time. It has been almost four weeks now. Do you believe that the spread of Covid-19 has been brought under control in Madhya Pradesh or is there still work to do?
A: Yes, it is a challenging time not only for the state, but for the whole country. Right from the moment when I was sworn in as the new Chief Minister, my full focus has been on the issue of preventing the spread of this deadly Covid-19 virus and to safeguard the lives of individuals in Madhya Pradesh and make sure that we have all the arrangements to combat this deadly menace. Along with health officials, paramedical staff, state officials and the police, we are all fighting together against this crisis. We are trying our best; initially less number of cases was found in Madhya Pradesh primarily in Jabalpur and after that, a rapid increase in the number of cases around major cities like Indore and Bhopal raised the index. Tableeghi Jamaat members of Madhya Pradesh, who joined the event in Delhi and came back, are also the reason for this sudden rise as they responded reluctantly and did not come forward willingly and thus indirectly spread it among others. People from foreign visits coming in the state also hid themselves first in Indore and Bhopal region due to lack of awareness and other reasons. But for now, we are trying our best. We have increased our medical facilities and we are consistently trying to strengthen our medical infrastructure across the state. New cases are being found in the state, but we have created different zones across the state. All kinds of necessary facilities are being made adequately available in the affected areas. More than 225 containment areas i.e. hotspots have been created in 22 districts of Madhya Pradesh;100% survey and contact tracing is being done in all such areas. Screening and quarantining of more than 26,000 people from abroad have been undertaken. Arrangements have also been made to ensure availability of all important things and ration in such areas. In these hotspots, no one can come from outside and no one can go out from here. To prevent the spread of the infection and to control the situation, the Health Department is working with full force and strength.
Q: How would you respond to your predecessor Kamal Nath’s recent statement that adequate number of Covid-19 tests is not happening in the state?
A: I do not agree with him. Medical facilities and important measures regarding the spread of Covid-19 have been taken since I took charge as the Chief Minister. We have been continuously involved in handling this situation. Prior to this, medical facilities were less in number, we have gradually increased them and orders have been placed for more. If Mr Kamal Nath was aware of these facts, why he didn’t take measures to overcome these things when he was Chief Minister is a matter of concern; they are hiding their failure by making such baseless statements. I personally feel this is not a right time to put blame, instead of making political comments, they should contribute their part in this fight, being a senior public representative of the state.
Q: You have been handling all the departments including health and home which play a crucial role in tackling the spread and treatment of Covid-19. Don’t you think that if not a full-fledged departments, at least ministers to handle these two departments should have been appointed?
A: Yes, it is right that they play a crucial role. Council of Ministers work together as a team for the betterment of the state and being together helps during challenging times. The safety of public representatives is also important and apart from it, every representative is somehow a part of this fight, but this time the situations are like never before, it is a global pandemic. As soon as I took charge of the state and responsibility to fight this crisis arising out of corona, I put my whole into this. I am continuously coordinating with MLAs and MPs of the state and with their consultation and important suggestions, I am taking many decisions for the welfare of the state. Recently, we have formed a committee of 10 members to look after the different aspects of this fight against Covid-19 and to support the mechanism built to fight this pandemic. As far a Cabinet formation is concerned, a decision will be taken at the earliest.
Q: As per experts, the spread of Covid-19 is yet to peak. If it does, can the people of Madhya Pradesh be assured that the state government has enough infrastructure by way of hospital beds and ventilators to deal with it?
A: Today, our medical system is much stronger than what it was when I took charge. In the present situation, tests are being conducted in nine laboratories in the state. There has been an increase in daily checks, now we are doing around 1,100 tests daily. The process to start a few other laboratories is in progress. Testing kits are available and are being supplied continuously. Talking about testing equipment, we have 21,020 RTPCR, 12,700 Manual RNA and 5700 VTM. PPE kits are around 75,000 with 2,500 kits being distributed daily. We have started manufacturing PPE kits in Madhya Pradesh from the first week of April. The store strength of N95 masks is 1.55 lakh, apart from another 1.50 lakh N95 masks that have been distributed. The availability of hydroxychloroquine tablets is more than 33 lakh; 2,776 oxygen cylinders are in usable condition. More than 29,350 isolation beds are available. Around 840 ICU beds are available in the state along with another availability of 690 ventilators.
Q: What do you attribute the huge number of cases in Indore and Bhopal to? Do you believe the situation on the ground could have been handled in a better way?
A: In Indore and Bhopal region, the number of citizens travelling abroad was found more than in other areas. Due to lack of awareness and a tendency to hide among the persons who returned from abroad, the infection could not be detected at the initial stage. For this reason, people who came in contact with them unknowingly also spread this infection. As per instructions of the Central government, a Containment Plan is ready, under which Plan A and Plan B have been prepared and work is going on in both areas. In Plan A, the infected and suspects are monitored, in Plan B tests, blood samples, etc., are taken. Under rapid action, we have increased the number of investigation teams in the affected areas, in which three types of teams are working. A team gives public awareness and consultation. A team goes house to house to take samples and another team provides support to people on a psychological level and tries to remove the fear and tension prevalent in their minds. We have arranged to get samples from home instead of the hospital, so that the infected person can be tested only by keeping them isolated. In Indore and Bhopal regions and surrounding areas, all people have instructions to strictly follow social distancing. Due care with the best of equipment and gear and public health measures is being taken. All the preparations I mentioned earlier are also being done in Indore and Bhopal. Hotspots have been identified in many areas and on the basis of that, Bhopal is divided into eight separate zones. Work is being done in collaboration with volunteers, organisations and administration to supply the requirements.
Q: This is your fourth term as CM. In the past three terms, political experts believe that you relied too much on bureaucrats to implement policies on the ground, which also led to the decline in BJP’s seats in the 2018 Assembly elections. Will we see a different Shivraj Chouhan this time when it comes to handling the bureaucracy?
A: See, we live in a democracy, everyone has a different opinion. But for me, this is not the right time to think about such comments which are based on the perceptions of different people. In my previous terms and now or even when I was not holding the post of Chief Minister, my primary focus is to serve the people of Madhya Pradesh in the best way possible. Bureaucrats are the executive body of the government; they are an essential part of the system. Legislature and executives go parallel in the system; both are complementary to each other. I am just the same servant of the people; my only goal is the welfare of the people of the state and the development of the state. I have worked with the same goal in the last three terms and I am moving forward with this goal. In each term, we have faced different types of crises and challenges, and we have received the support of the people every time and that is why we have struggled and won during the tough times. In the time of this crisis, additional efforts are required for the interests, health and safety of residents of Madhya Pradesh. I would like to thank the people of the state; they have given us their love, support and blessings and have given an opportunity to serve again; I will not leave any stone unturned in the service of Madhya Pradesh.
Q: Once your bitter political rival in the state, Jyotiraditya Scindia is now a part of your own party. How difficult or easy will it be to take him and his views along?
A: The Bharatiya Janata Party and we all party workers welcome him wholeheartedly; he has joined BJP following the voice of his very inner conscience, this reveals the suffocating environment of the party which he served for nearly around two decades. He sees a better opportunity to serve the society being a member of our party. When somebody with a different working style yet similar thoughts and focus at core, joins you, becomes your colleague, or becomes your party member, it adds to the power of your party. It is good that now we have him with us. His political potential, will power and dedication to serve the people of Madhya Pradesh will definitely contribute to strengthen Madhya Pradesh and its development.
Q: How do you intend to placate BJP MLAs and ministers who will have to sacrifice their position to accommodate those former Congress MLAs who have now joined the BJP?
A: As I said, our primary focus at the moment is to fight with the pandemic prevailing around as a threat to many lives across the country and the state. Political activities can be put on hold for the time being. For now, we are much concerned about the safety of the people. All other party-related things will be considered later, whatever decisions will be made by national and state bodies in future, you will be certainly informed about them by then.
Q: The BJP has come under attack from several quarters for going for government formation in Madhya Pradesh and your subsequent oath function despite social distancing in place at the time. How would you like to respond to them?
A: No, it is not true. Due care has been taken during the function. We have followed the directions as per the guidelines and kept social distancing during the function. The Congress is making baseless allegations. We are well aware of the importance of social distancing and the important precautionary measures in this regard. We strongly condemn people who are making such comments and allegations.
Q: You have one of the most impressive CVs among all the political leaders today when it comes to experience and rising from the bottom in the party hierarchy. When you started as a normal party worker from a very humble background, had you imagined that you will reach the position you are in today?
A: I believe in the simple philosophy that during rise, fall, joy, sorrow, success, failure, whatever be the conditions, one needs to keep walking and never stop moving towards one’s goal. When I joined politics, my aim was to serve my people and society and that has never changed from then, for now also my primary goal is to serve my countrymen and my motherland, this one feeling is constant in my heart, I have served this purpose with dedication and devotion throughout my life. Whatever work my party assigned me even when I was a ground-level party worker, I have always tried to start and complete it with full dedication and determination and today also, I follow this simple rule. Thus, so far this journey has taken me here and here I am.
Q: Are you open to a role at the national level or are you content with focusing only on Madhya Pradesh? Do you dislike Delhi?
A: As I said, whatever work my party assigns me, I try to serve it with full dedication. At present, I am happy where I am.
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