The ‘Start-up Chhattisgarh’ mission has been unveiled at an event held by the Chhattisgarh government in Raipur, on September 13. The move aims to promote a healthy growth of start-ups in the state. As a part of this initiative, boot camps have been announced for all 27 districts in Chhattisgarh. The best start-up ideas out of these camps will then be selected for incubation, and will be provided the necessary support.
Some of the incentives as a part of this scheme will be an interest subsidy, fixed capital subsidy, electric duty exemption etc. Also, the first 36 start-ups that come up in the state will be compensated for all state government taxes for the next three years.
Speaking at the event, chief minister of Chhattisgarh, Dr Raman Singh expressed his interest in creating a ‘start-up Chhattisgarh’ and urged the youth to be fearless in order to turn their ideas into reality.
A wide range of start-up ideas, in the form of products, services were on display at the event. Some of them included healthcare, home services, e-commerce and sensor based technologies. The event also saw the launch of a website,, aimed at provide a helping hand to start-ups in the state.