New Delhi: Anaberi Films has recently launched a short feature film starring Kriti Kulhari, titled – Rest of the Night, currently streaming on Hotstar. It stars the leading face of OTT, Kirti Kulhari who did a Bollywood Debut in “Khichdi” and starred in webseries like “Four More Shots”, “Criminal Justice (Season 2) & Human along with Shahana Goswami (Voice). It is 12 minute short film.
In a candid conversation the film’s producer Krishna Anaberi gives insights on his first short film Rest of the Night.
Q. What was the driving force behind starting your own production house ‘Anaberi Films’
A. My experiences as an immigrant have informed my desire to continue to explore themes of identity and belonging through media and storytelling. During the pandemic, I decided to move to Kelowna, British Columbia, to survive the lockdown. The quiet wilderness provided the perfect environment to focus on my work as a film development producer and a script doctor. For two years, I dedicated myself to writing and reading scripts, helping to shape and develop stories for independent artists.
During this time, I was introduced to many small, independent short film scripts that I felt needed to be brought to life. This led me to start my own indie film production company, Anaberi Films. I am now focused on developing and bringing these projects to the screen and finding investors to support them. The journey of creating these art films is a passion of mine, and I am excited to see them come to fruition through Anaberi Films.
Q. Please if you could give a brief description about your journey from being a set production assistant to finally turning a producer.
A. As a child, I was exposed to literature and storytelling through my mother’s voracious reading habits and her own dabbling in poetry. She instilled in me a love for fiction and a curiosity for stories beyond my own.
My interest in storytelling led me to Bollywood, where I worked on films such as Talaash and Bhaag Milk Bhaag. As a film production assistant, I started gaining experience and building connections in the industry. This involved working on various productions as a PA, learning about different aspects of film production, and networking with other professionals.
After a few years in Bollywood, I sought to deepen my understanding of storytelling through a Master’s degree in Screenplay Writing and Poetry at Kingston University in London. After my studied, I have traveled a lot to explore and work in different cultures and mostly worked as a Script consultant and Film development producer. As a film development producer, I identify and acquire new film projects, develop and package those chosen scripts, and secure production financing. I work closely with writers, directors, and other key members of the creative team to develop compelling stories and bring them to life on screen. I recently moved to Montreal and am producing some indie projects, which seem quite interesting.
Q. What was the idea and thinking behind working as a producer for “Rest of the Night”
A. As a film producer, the idea behind working on “Rest of the Night” was to tell a story that could help people connect with their emotions and experience during the pandemic. The script was very personal and relatable; it explored the theme of relationships and the inner struggles we all went through during this difficult time. Reading the script was like reading my own thoughts. I felt it was a great opportunity to tell a story that could reach people on a deeper level. I was also excited to work with a talented director Prayrit Seth and a cast who understood the importance of this project. I knew that the film could help people feel less alone in their struggles and make them feel like they are not alone in their emotional journey. With this project, I wanted to create something that could entertain, inspire, and offer hope during these uncertain times.
Q. How was your experience working with actress Kirti Kulhari?
A. As a producer, working with an actor as nuanced and talented as Kirti was a truly amazing experience. She brought depth and authenticity to her role, which truly elevated the film. Kirti’s ability to fully embody her character and bring the script to life was truly impressive. She was dedicated to the craft and always willing to go the extra mile to deliver the best performance possible.
Q. Please give brief details about your future projects
A. One of the ways we plan to challenge and subvert traditional narratives and conventions is by telling crossover stories that break down stereotypes and challenge preconceived notions. These stories challenge traditional notions of identity, belonging, and what it means to be human and invite audiences to see the world in a new and different way. As a film producer, my current projects include collaborating with Anugyan Nag and Kaustav Bakshi to produce a documentary feature about an alternative theatre group in Kolkata, raising funds for a British film project, and assisting with crew and funding for a Quebec feature film co-production between Canada and India. In addition, at Anaberi Films, we are committed to expanding our platform and audience reach by showcasing a diverse range of films and supporting emerging artists. We also plan to explore new and innovative ways of storytelling through film.