Cinépolis, recently announced the launch of Cinépolis Pacific Mall, NSP, Pitampura. With the strategic move of opening multiplexes at prime locations, launch of its biggest multiplex in Delhi, Cinépolis NSP in Pacific Mall, Pitampura will further strengthen its positioning among its customers and associates in the premium luxury multiplex industry.
Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan who was present at the event to promote his movie Shehzada said, “I hope to evolve with each of my film and if audiences like the film then I will feel like Shehzada. I love to be entertained and hope that all my movies entertain the audiences. There is lot of pressure with every film but there is confidence also. Sometimes the confidence gets over. In this film there is lot of family drama. I frequently travel to Delhi and lot of my films are shot here. I am also a foodie. I play the character of Bantu in this film and I have co-produced the movie.”
Speaking on this occasion Mr. Devang Sampat, CEO, Cinépolis India, said “Cinépolis has always aimed at offering an unmatched experience to movie patrons, the opening of Cinépolis Pacific Mall, NSP, Pitampura has endorsed our commitment towards them. This is our flagship property, our biggest multiplex in Delhi with 9 screens which will take the entertainment value to the next level. We are expecting a huge footfall at the multiplex and are sure that patrons will be amazed by the experience at Cinépolis. Our cutting-edge technology combined with quality and distinctively comfortable ambience sets us apart and we are committed to provide the same world class cinema viewing experience to our discerning patrons across India. I would like to thank Mr. Abhishek Bansal for giving Cinepolis an opportunity to develop our multiplex in Pacific Mall. His team has been very successful in developing and running high-footfall malls and I’m sure they will continue to build upon the same in the future as well.” The launch of this biggest multiplex will create an unmissable and exhilarating cinematic experience for the patrons of New Delhi with its completely new architectural design look in Black and Golden.
With its unmatched technology and comfortable ambience, it will certainly be the favorite spot for movie lovers. Cinépolis Pacific Mall is the biggest theatre by Cinepolis in Delhi with 9 screens and luxury last row in all auditorium with premium recliners. In addition, the multiplex will also have full service Coffee Tree (gourmet café), DOLBY Atmos audio, Harkness Screens and RealD 3D technology, giving excellent premium ambience and experience to patrons.