Pookari.com, an online designer accessory portal that also features collections from various young designers, announced an association with jewellery designer Mrinalini Chandra, celebrating the union with an event at the lounge Villa 69, hosted by fashion designer Nishka Lulla. The association yields a limited edition line created exclusively for Pookari.com.
The line, which targets the “metropolitan woman of today” as per Chandra, includes seven unique pairs of earrings that adapt elements of flora and fauna, and draw inspiration from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The event at Villa 69 was held over high tea and featured industry insiders including Mugdha Godse, Tisca Chopra, Pallavi Sharda, Nidhi Subbaiah, Manasi Scott, Neeta Lulla, Nikhil Tampi and more.
Pookari unveils exclusive line of earrings with grand event
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