The controversial zebra print was back on the tennis court when Ana Ivanovic, among others, was spotted wearing a black-and-white zebra print outfit, designed by Adidas, during the French Open 2016. The outfit was designed in such a way as to provide enough space for the player to move their shoulders. The Adidas team collaborated with the Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto for this outfit, scoring high on comfort but low on fashion.
Tennis star Nick Kyrgios was in the news when he made a quick dress change at the Australian Open 2016 after complaining to the officials that the white shorts that he was wearing were too small for him, making him uncomfortable during the match. He was allowed to go ahead change to a fresh pair of black shorts, after which he went on to win the match. Many believed that his black shorts were behind his stellar performance.
Serena Williams is the kind of tennis star who never fails to disappoint when it comes to fashion. Consider her bold, leopard print outfit at the U.S. Open 2014; or her bright pink snake print at 2015 leg of the same tournament. Williams has always made headlines for her on-court fashion statements and never fails to give her admirers something to discuss aside from her game.
During Wimbledon 2011, the American tennis player Bethanie Mattek-Sands was mocked for wearing a Lady Gaga inspired jacket when she walked onto the court. The officials were not impressed since very strict outfit rules that apply at Wimbledon. But she still got away as she chose not to wear the outfit while playing. And this was not the first time Mattek-Sands decided to wear something inspired by the world of showbiz. She was spotted in 2006 wearing a tank top, shorts and high socks, enough to earn her newspaper headlines.