E-commerce outlets had been gravitating towards affordable luxury for a while now, and the trend has followed suit in India as well. Post the success of online sites such as Pernia’s Pop Up Shop, Neiman Marcus and Koovs, another e-commerce Great Indian Outlet has opened shop since last week. The website will cater to Indian luxury and fashion labels, and promises to offer a minimum of 60% discount on original and branded goods throughout the year. The website has drawn attention from other international outlets such as Woodbury Commons New York, Bisceter Village London. Greatindianoutlet.com is looking at making luxury Indian designer brands available all over the country at the convenience of a click.
The website has been opened by designer Jyoti Jain Chibber who has her own label J-Square. Chibber decided to take a plunge into the thriving e-commerce industry and launch Greatindianoutlet.com. The concept behind a multi-brand store is to connect designers and brands to an untapped market. Now smaller towns can also access the luxury brands that were previously available only in Tier A cities where designer brands have their boutiques, and this is part of the bigger trend of the democratisation of couture.
Curated for fashion enthusiasts by the designer, the website has some of the sought after names in the industry such as Manish Arora, Anju Modi, Shantanu & Nikhil, Varun Bahl, Kavita Bhartia, Ranna Gill, Dhruv Kapoor, Pashma, Kanika Saluja, Annaikka among others. It has a mix of both Indian and Western wear from previous seasons at a discount of 60% all year round.
It has flexible paying options such as cash on delivery, debit card, credit card and an easy return policy.