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America’s most consequential election in a lifetime

Editor's ChoiceAmerica’s most consequential election in a lifetime

There is the fear that we are headed for a one-party state depending on the outcome of this election. And I think that is intentional. There’s an elite that rules the United States, who thinks they know best. They think they know how people ought to live and how they should think.

Washington, DC: Something’s different with this year’s election. It’s unlike any that I can recall, and it may leave America unrecognizable.

Presidential elections have always been a rough business in the United States, but there was also a belief that even if your guy lost, there was always another chance that four years later your party might take the White House if you put in the work, had the right policies, and the right backing. In the meantime, you worked together where you could.

These days it seems there’s no longer a give and take. Instead, we’re seeing an effort to destroy the other side and to get and keep permanent power. And it really is the Democrats who do this. The Republicans don’t have the interest, much less the discipline required to do so.

There were always limits to what a winning President and his administration could do—before the press and public reminded him he’d gone too far.

These limits—or guardrails—started breaking down when Barack Obama became President. And it’s gotten worse. If you consider the Biden administration as Obama v.3, it makes sense.


No administration could ever, for example, have—by executive order—opened up the borders like this one has done, with the result of probably letting in 20 million unvetted illegal immigrants. If this was India, adjust for population and that would be like letting 60 million people into the country, most of them not speaking a language anyone in India speaks, and tens of thousands of dangerous criminals, as well as a quantity of known terrorists, included in the mix.

It’s a huge burden on host communities that are expected to provide services with little to no commensurate increase in budget.

Democrat elites know the cost. Remember when those few illegal immigrants were sent to the wealthy largely Democratic community of Martha’s Vineyard? The locals (Democrats) got rid of them as fast as they could.

But there’s also a cynical political power grab at play as the illegal immigrants will eventually shift into voting blocs—presumably for the Democrats, potentially changing Republican states into Democrat states. From her statements, it seems there will be no let-up if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the presidency.

Also expect pressure to build to neuter the Supreme Court to the Democrats’ liking. They’ve been very open about it. Imagine that…trying to destroy one of the three main pillars of American governance.

There is also talk of doing away with the Electoral College system. And centralizing the electoral system so there’s one set of rules nationally, making things easier to “control” if one has the power and is so inclined.

And the Department of Justice is weaponized to go after the administration’s opponents.

There’s a brazenness to it all. And the mainstream media—owned and staffed overwhelmingly by Democrats—is not doing its job as watchdog for the American people, removing a key restraint on a Democratic administration. Even some once respected reporters have said objectivity shouldn’t be part of journalism.


This is the logical outcome of demonization of the opposition. The other side isn’t wrong, it’s evil, justifying actions I never thought possible in the United States.

I first started noting this about 30 years ago when the Bill Clintons rose to power. Maybe it’s not surprising that Hillary later referred to half of Trump supporters as “deplorables”. Telling a sizable chunk of your fellow citizens they are deplorable is two steps removed from saying they don’t deserve to live.

Obama had earlier referred to white working class who people cling “to guns or religion”.

This dehumanization of “enemies of the state” (and the Democrats increasingly see themselves as indistinguishable from the state) is something a country cannot survive. I see the balkanization of the United States coming if you lose this basic principle how we see our fellow citizens, how we decide on policy, and how we transfer power. It’s something that’s worked out very well for America, and now it’s under threat.


There is the fear that we are headed for a one-party state depending on the outcome of this election.

And I think that is intentional.

There’s an elite that rules the United States, who thinks they know best. They think they know how people ought to live and how they should think.

It’s not just condescension. They hate the people who used to be the core of the Democratic Party. The Democrats used to be for the workers, for the little guy.

Now it’s a party of rich people and really poor people—who are dependent on the government. It’s not a coincidence that the Teamsters Union—one of the country’s biggest—didn’t endorse Harris.

The Democrats who used to rail at the Republicans for being the party of big business are themselves the party of the fat cats. They’ve got real contempt for people who haven’t been to Wharton or just think differently than them.

This change in my lifetime never seemed possible.

There’s a desperation in all of this. You’ve seen the effort to go after Donald Trump, to destroy him via lawsuits, to demonize him, calling him a fascist, calling him Hitler.

It’s not surprising that two people (that we know of) have tried to assassinate him. And notice that we know almost nothing about the perpetrators.

One wonders if there’s even any investigation going on.

The Democrats don’t seem to care. A presidential candidate nearly gets his head blown off, and the Democrats shrug their shoulders.


The Biden-Harris administration gives us an idea of a Harris-Walz administration.

In the past three and a half years, the administration squandered the energy independence that we had.

They trashed what had been a strong economy. The Biden administration claimed it didn’t matter how much government spending there was, it wouldn’t lead to inflation, or maybe at worse it was transitory inflation. It was one of those harebrained ideas that work best in a university salon, not in real life. Look at inflation now.

The people behind these ideas don’t have to deal with the effects of what they did but it’s causing huge problems for people that the Democrats despise. For too many it’s now a choice between eating or getting gasoline or medicine.

Rents are skyrocketing. Mortgage rates are very high. Only a wealthy person could claim they are not worse off than when Donald Trump was President.

Under President Harris I think we’re going to get more of that.

And don’t forget foreign policy. Of course, most people don’t vote on this, though I do.

Note that nobody in the Biden-Harris administration frightened the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, or anyone else.

If you get a Harris administration it’s going to embolden these malignant nations to really become aggressive. And I don’t think the free world led by Kamala Harris would resist very well.

We can also look to the past to see what a Trump administration was, and might be, like.

When Trump was President. There were no new wars. The Russians didn’t dare go after Ukraine. Biden takes over, and a few years later, there’s a million dead people on both sides.

Under Trump, Iran was pretty much in a box, was starving for funds, wasn’t doing much terrorism wise. The Biden administration gets in with their harebrained ideas about opening up to the mullahs and they supercharged Iran once again. They’ve gone easy on North Korea as well.

As for China, Biden-Harris have not done much to slow Chinese expansion and aggression, even domestically. What have they done about the 70,000 dead Americans last year from China-origin fentanyl—around 250,000 dead during the entire Biden era? The best they can do is get the Chinese to agree to hold working group meetings to discuss the problem.

These are not serious people whom the Chinese will take seriously.

The Trump era looks very good by comparison.


We are seeing the creation of an American ruling class that wasn’t elected by anybody. It’s self-appointed, chooses its own members, and it’s based on university pedigree, wealth, and connections.

Look at how Kamala Harris became the Democrat presidential candidate without anyone voting for her. Biden was running, and then suddenly he wasn’t. He was forced out and replaced with Harris. And yet we have no idea how this happened. Who did it? We don’t even know who was running the country for all those years that Biden was mentally incompetent.

Even a great country and a free people can’t take much more of this before they are no longer great or free. And that’s what America’s enemies have been waiting for and working towards.

* Grant Newsham is a retired U.S. Marine officer and former U.S. diplomat. He was the first Marine liaison officer to the Japan Self Defense Force, and is a fellow at the Center for Security Policy and the Yorktown Institute. He is the author of the book, “When China Attacks: A Warning To America.”


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