The proponents of Hindutva have never ever promoted the idea of targeting any minority. However, the left wing lobby, the Western media and all fellow travellers have hijacked the word Hindutva. Their ability to create mischief should not be underestimated.
The World Hindu Conference in Thailand passed a resolution to drop the name Hinduism and instead adopt the word Hindutva. This decision is bound to fail on many grounds. At a very basic level, some things just do not rhyme. I cannot imagine many Hindu Mandirs changing their names to Hindutva Mandir. Will the Hindu Forum of Britain change its name to Hindutva Forum of Britain? Funnily, those who now want to drop the word Hindu were its biggest proponents over the last 75 years.
The World Hindu Conference has declared Hindutva as an English name for Sanatan Dharma. The question that arises here is why does Sanatan Dharma need an English name? Do Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs have an English name for their religions? If the word Hinduism needs replacing it should be replaced with Sanatan Dharma. A Sanatan Dharma Mandir would sound much better than a Hindutva Mandir. Sanatan Dharma is the original name of Hinduism. When someone would ask your religion would you say Hindutva? What sense would it make to a non-Hindu? One of the arguments for the word Hindutva is that it brings under its fold Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism. From my experience no Jain, Sikh or Buddhist wants to be called Hindu, even though they have a great affinity and love for Sanatan Dharma. Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism are religions with a long history and spiritual values. You simply cannot wish them away. It was Bhama Shah, a Jain who financed the army of Rana Pratap to fight the Mughals. It was the Sikhs who fought to save Sanatan Dharma. Buddhism took the spiritual heritage of India to many parts of the world. The simple solution to this issue is the term Bharatiya. We are all Bharatiya with four different branches. In the UK someone has coined a wonderful name for the four religions of India. It is “Dharmic faiths”. Unity in Diversity is the strength of India. You do not achieve unity by stifling diversity. The World Hindu Conference could have had a lot of kudos if it had passed a resolution to change the name of India to Bharat.
Unfortunately, Hindutva is also associated with the idea of establishing a Hindu state and a right wing ideology targeting the minorities. The proponents of Hindutva have never ever promoted the idea of targeting any minority. However, the left wing lobby, the Western media and all similar fellow travellers have hijacked the word Hindutva. Their ability to create mischief should not be underestimated. These forces are getting more and more desperate as the 2024 elections approach. When one understands the reality of India and its complex politics any wrong move would neutralise all the gains that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has brought to the country. Hindus are the majority of India and their values, ethos and traditions have to be given prominence, just as in the UK Christianity plays a major role in that country’s social fabric. Under the leadership of PM Modi, Hinduism has got a lot of prominence in India and rightly so.
There are many powerful vested interests who are looking for an opportunity to dislodge PM Modi, who is a true nationalist and a proud Hindu. Another concept that is sometimes talked about is Akhand Bharat. If there is one idea that is a threat to India as we know it today it is the idea of Akhand Bharat. Can you imagine Pakistan and Bangladesh being part of a democratic India? These countries are struggling on their own and are engulfed in religious violence. Those who dream of Akhand Bharat know the situation of India with its huge religious minorities and they want more to come under its fold. The advocates of Akhand Bharat have prioritised geographical boundaries rather than the spiritual heritage of India. They expect our jawans to guard the North West Frontier. Even the British could not control these areas. Sometimes people who have dedicated their lives to the cause of Mother India can take decisions which would harm their cause. In a spirit of mutual respect they have to be challenged because there are many others too who love India and Sanatan Dharma equally and cannot put its gains in jeopardy.
Here is what the iron man of India Vallabbhbhai Patel has said: “I honestly believe that it is good for both the new nations to be rid of a perpetual source of trouble and quarrels. In 200 years of slavery, the (colonial) administration created a situation
In conclusion, the idea of erasing the name Hinduism in favour of Hindutva is impractical, unnecessary, divisive and potentially harmful to Sanatan Dharma.
Nitin Mehta,