Bollywood actor Ayushman Khurana inaugurated the Gili World store at M-Block Market, Greater Kailash. Gili also recently launched a new range of apparels and accessories which will now be a part of this store. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rahul Vira, CEO, Gili and Lifestyle Verticle said, “It is one of our proud moments to have launched the first combination Gili World in the capital. For the first time, Gili will retail jewellery, apparels and accessories all under the same roof making shopping easier and fun in our busy lives.”

Excited to inaugurate the store, Ayushman Khurana said, “I am always amazed and wonder when I see the options that are available to women while shopping. This Gili World store is an apt choice when one wants to shop and develop her own looks with various combinations. It’s a must visit and I am sure no one would leave the store without shopping.”