The Food and Beverage Awards 2019, organised by NewsX and The Sunday Guardian, took place at The Metropolitan Hotel in New Delhi on Saturday. The event saw the participation of the who’s who of the food industry who shared their views on what it takes to become a successful chef and food entrepreneur. The esteemed guests included noted food entrepreneurs Riyaaz Amlani and Dildeep Kalra, chef Vikramjt Roy, one of the best chefs in the country, Tandup Lama, well-known mixologist, among others.
What made the event one of its kind were two fashion shows along the poolside. Interspersed by the engaging sessions of “Top Chefs” and “Hot Starters”, these fashion shows were graced by several known faces in the fashion industry. The highlight of the event, however, was the award ceremony that aimed to recognise and encourage some of the major and emerging food players in the country.