Designer Manish Tripathi launched his label store ‘antarDESI’ and ‘Naveli’ at Chattarpur, New Delhi on 12th May, 2018. The evening was filled with the fascinating and eccentric flow with the pleasing environment. It started with superior Wine & Cheese evening with National Award winning filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, Ashutosh Kaushik an India Actor and the winner of MTV Hero Honda Roadies 5.0 in 2007 and the 2nd season of Big Boss 2008.
The store was filled with all his new collection from Naveli and antarDESI which was showcased for a public appearance, followed by his beautiful wedding collection Ramp show from his labels. The show was stolen by our Designer’s gorgeous and stunning wife Eshitha Mishra wearing the most captivating bridal ensemble of his designs.
The grand evening ended with cake cutting ceremony of the launch success.
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