Jagdeep Singh the special CBI judge who pronounced the verdict against the rape accused, Dera Sacha Sauda chief, Gurmeet Ram Rahim is considered to be competent, tough and an upright man. Amongst his colleagues in the legal fraternity and his friends he is also seen as a no non-sense man.
Singh graduated in Law from Panjab University (PU) in 2000 and between 2000 and 2012 he practised in the Haryana and Punjab High Court as a both civil and criminal lawyer.
He went on to join the Haryana Judicial Services in 2012. He was designated as the CBI special judge in 2016, and this is his second posting as a judicial officer, before this he was a session court Judge in Sonipat.
“Singh likes keeping a low profile and is a man of few words. But all those who know him vouch for his competence and integrity,” a lawyer who has practiced with Singh said.
In September 2016, Singh was in news for rescuing four injured people, who were involved in a road accident, while on his way his way from Hisar to Panchkula. He rushed the four injured people to a nearby hospital in the Jind district of Haryana. Singh first called for an ambulance but when he was told that the ambulance will ‘not come flying’, So instead of waiting, he stopped a private vehicle an himself took the injured to the hospital.
After he pronounced the verdict convicting Ram Rahim on Friday afternoon in the 15-year old rape case, security cover for him has been increased by the government following intelligence inputs that he might be targeted by Dera supporters.
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