The Mumbai police will recreate the scene of crime involving all the three accused in the Sheena Bora murder case. The custody of Indrani Mukerjea and her second husband Sanjeev Khanna is to end on 31 August, so the police is likely to reconstruct the crime scene before that. According to police sources, both Indrani and Sanjeev are being evasive during the interrogation.
“The entire scene of crime from Bandra to Pen will be reconstructed,” sources told The Sunday Guardian on Saturday evening. Sheena was picked up by her mother Indrani from near National College in Bandra on 24 April 2012, in her car. Sanjeev Khanna was present in the car at the time. It is believed that Sheena was given a drink which was laced with sedatives. “Sheena was strangulated to death,” Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria said.
After the police teams found the skeletal remains of a victim from the location where Sheena’s remains are believed to be buried, the police is now set to use advanced techniques in forensic science to reconstruct the face on the recovered skull.
“The passport of Sheena Bora has been recovered from Dehradun, thus debunking the US theory. Sanjeev Khanna has accepted his complicity in the crime. We have questioned Mikhail and he has given us a few points, we are verifying them. Further investigation is going on,” Rakesh Maria said.
Rahul Mukerjea, from whose Dehradun house the passport was recovered, has apparently told the police that he had the passport in his possession all these years. He apparently said that Indrani told him that Sheena had two passports and that she left India using the other passport. The police said that Sheena had only one passport, the one that was recovered from Dehradun.
Mumbai police teams are visiting Kolkata, Guwahati and Dehradun, among other places to probe the matter further.
Meanwhile, co-accused Sanjeev Khanna, the second husband of Indrani, admitted that their next target was going to be Mikhail. He also admitted his involvement in the murder.
Mikhail is the younger son of Indrani and the brother of the deceased Sheena Bora. He expressed apprehension that he was going to be killed by his biological mother. He claimed that he was given a drink laced with sedatives when he arrived in Mumbai in April 2012. He claimed that he was feeling dizzy, but escaped when Indrani and Sanjeev left him at her home to go and pick up Sheena.
On Saturday, all the three accused were questioned together at the Khar police station. Before that, Indrani was taken to the Santacruz police station.
Mikhail and Indrani’s blood samples have been sent for DNA tests. These samples will help ascertain the identity of the remains that were exhumed by a team of Mumbai police and forensic experts from Pen in Raigad this week. The JJ Hospital authorities too have sent across the bones, nails, hair and teeth samples that it had in its possession, to the police. These will be matched with Indrani and Mikhail’s DNA samples, police said.
According to unconfirmed reports, the police has also identified the car in which Sheena was murdered. It is yet to be traced.
On Saturday, the police did not record the statements of any witnesses in the case. “We have already recorded the statements of Peter Mukerjea, Rahul Mukerjea, Mikhail Bora. We haven’t recorded their statements again today,” a senior police official associated with the probe told The Sunday Guardian.
But Rahul and Mikhail have been asked by the police to remain in the city for further investigation.
So far, the police has been able to trace the impersonator who forged the signatures of Sheena on her resignation letter to the company she was working in. “We have recorded his statement and he has said that he did so at the behest of Indrani Mukerjea,” Rakesh Maria said.
He has said that the police has a fair idea about the motive behind the crime, but refused to disclose it. Mikhail has claimed that if Indrani does not confess about the motive by 31 August, he will tell everything and make public the evidence in his possession.
The police have sought the call data records and tower locations of all the three accused and Sheena Bora, from the telecom companies.
As Indrani Mukerjea and Sanjeev Khanna’s police custody ends on 31 August, the police is likely to seek an extension of the same.